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  • Kathrine Nguyen

Menopause Soup

The name “Menopause” soup it’s not only limited for menopause, it’s also good for hypoglycemia, diabetes, tuberculosis, and anxiety as well as other diseases that have long-term inflammation and infection. Eat this soup regularly If you have symptoms so-called Deficient Yin. These symptoms include low grade fever or tidal fevers, palms and soles hot, night sweat, hot flash, insomnia, irritability, dry mouth, uneasiness, worry, excess thought, fleshy pink/red tongue and cheeks. For those who currently have diarrhea, or cold with a lot of phlegm should wait until all symptoms are gone before trying it.


5 inches kombu or wakame, soaked

2 cups millet, soaked

1 cup kabocha, butternut, or summer squash, diced

1/4 cup burdock root, sliced

1/2 cup parsly, chopped

5-6 cups water

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • Place kombu/wakame on bottom of pot. Layer with squash and burdock.

  • Add millet, water, and salt.

  • Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low.

  • Simmer 30 minutes or pressure cook 20 minutes.

  • Garnish with parsley.

  • Serves 4 - 6.

Healing properties

Millet: Cooling thermal nature; sweet and salty flavor; diuretic; strengthens the kidneys; beneficial to stomach and spleen-pancreas; moistens dryness; alkalizing - balances over-acid conditions; sweetens breath by retarding bacterial growth in mouth; high amino acid and rich silicon content; helps prevent miscarriage; anti-fungal; soothes morning sickness. Also useful for diarrhea (roast millet before cooking), undigested starch or checking lactation (sprouted millet).

Caution: Millet is not recommended for those with signs of very weak digestive functions such as consistently watery stools.

Kombu: Very cooling thermal nature; salty flavor; moisten dryness; soften hardened areas and masses in the body; help transform heat induced phlegm (yellow or green); benefits kidneys; diuretic; anti-coagulant effect on the blood. Treat goiter, arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, prostate and ovarian problems, lymphatic swellings, swollen and painful testes, edema, leukorrhea, diabetes, sterility in males, rheumatic fever damage, heart pain, blood clots, difficulty in swallowing, and anemia. It softens beans and the hard fibers of foods cooked with it.

Parsley: slightly warming thermal nature; pungent, bitter, and salty flavor; improve digestion; detoxifies meat or fish poisoning; ripens measles to hasten recovery; promotes urination and dries watery mucoid conditions; treatment of obesity, mucus in the bladder, swollen glands and breasts, and stones in the bladder, kidney, or gall-bladder; strengthens the adrenal glands and benefits the optic and brain nerves. Partly should not be used by nursing mothers since it dries up milk.

Squash: warming thermal nature; sweet flavor; influences the spleen-pancreas and stomach; reduce inflammation and burns; improves qi energy circulation; alleviates pain.

Source: "Healing with whole foods - Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition" by Paul Pitchford

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